Monday, October 27, 2008

I have been selling online now since 1998, and it just hit me tonight as I surfed Etsy - how much the level of presentation has come up. Back in the 'old days'... photos were often blurry or of poor quality... layout and delivery were just not up to snuff. I've always felt that with your one time shot at selling online - you needed to deliver your best, truth in advertising was very important - as to build a client base, no one wants to feel that they've been duped. Good pics, great descriptions and the truth about the item... all of it.

The online competitiveness may well be the culprit who forced people to step to the plate and serve up their best. With this - I'm sure online tutorials on everything from photography and presentation to marketing make it much more of a 'fair fight'.

1 comment:

WhimsybyMari said...

and don't forget great friends..Love the background.