Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Internet is amazing. I know it sounds corny - but I've always been quite adept at being able to find whatever I seek online. Today, I was found by an old friend, and it was a nice feeling. How did people *before Internet* re-connect? Reunions? That sure sounds hit and miss...

I know that it can be a big scary world out there - and you have to have the smarts to know what kind of content shouldn't be put online...

I remember reading someone's site and finding that she had posted pictures of her kids, their names, and her husband's name... I don't exactly recall - but the proper nouns may have become hypertext and with one simple click, I pulled up a website and with a few keystrokes - had a map to their house. Not that I wanted to get there - but - it was just THAT easy!

Aside from all the scary things about being online - they are far outweighed by the ability to find/order just about anything you desire.

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